It HAS been a while since we've updated our blog. A lot has happened and it is hard to keep up. In April we went back for a visit in the U.S., so our families got a chance to meet Cyrus. Everybody had a good time, and Cyrus even got to experience his first snow. Overall he did pretty well on the flight, the last leg was always the hardest (for all of us).
Everywhere we went there was something to do with Australia...
The cats were really happy to see us when we got back.

Once we returned from our trip, Cyrus decided that it was important to completely immerse himself in Aussie culture before heading back to the U.S. later this year. He started out by grabbing his eskie (cooler) full of XXXX gold ("beer") and heading out on a camping trip.
He literally wants to take a piece of Australia home with him.

Next up, Cyrus wanted to partake in local delicacies, so this required a switch to solid foods. One of his favourites is the banger, mash, and steamed veggies puree (real). He did not like David's experimental meat pie, pavlova blend (fake).
This could actually be the camping photo. They are easily mixed up.
After that, we couldn't let him go home without seeing a Darwin sunset at the mindil beach markets. It was only after we let him eat the sand that we learned the beach had been closed because of an E-Coli outbreak.
What could be more Australian than swimming? When 90% of your population lives along the coast, it is a pretty important step in a young Aussie's life. Cyrus was very excited to try it out, and loves it.

Keeping up with our tradition, we were sure to be here on Territory Day. We didn't get fire crackers this year, and had to cut out early because it was way past Cyrus's bed time. Cyrus actually didn't even seem to notice the large bangs and pretty lights. He was more interested in playing in the dirt.
Finally, Cyrus wanted to watch a little original Australian television. He has since become hooked on Master Chef, and counts
Matt Preston, the ascot-wearing food critic/judge, as one of his heros.
He wasn't too happy when we took his ascot away.
On a side note. Look at the size of this f-BEEP spider!