Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cyrus goes to the pool

Today Cyrus went to the pool for the first time. He was really looking forward to wearing his over sized swim nappies and uv protective bathers.

Pre-swim sleep

At the pool we met Megan and Cyrus's best friend, Jayden.

Cyrus and Jayden

Cyrus continues to tolerate his mother's whims rather well. He cried when we first hit the water (even in Darwin, in the wet season, the water is cold to a 10 week old), but then he settled quickly. Still, he looked at me a few times as if to say, ''Why the hell are we taking such a cold bath?" After 30 minutes, a few reluctant smiles and several strong leg kicks (I'm convinced this is demonstrative of his natural swimming ability), we both tired. The fun was over when Cyrus lost control of his neck muscles and did a face plant in the water.


Post-swim sleep

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK... granted, I don't have a child yet... but how long is this kid supposed to be at the pool? I keep waiting for him to get back and get into something else and...

nope, still at the pool.

Must be one heck of a pool...